Personal leadership development
Personal leadership development evolved through my experience working with a diverse and wide background of organizations. As an advisor, I played an active role in the success of those organizations either through creating leadership opportunities or through mentoring leaders. I have worked with a wide background of organizations. At San Diego State University, I spent three years working in a multitude of advisory roles in the residence halls. I served as a Resident Advisor, Residence Hall Council Advisor as a member of the National Residence Hall Honorary Association, Orientation Leader and as Academic Advisor to incoming first year and transfer students.
Along with students, I had the opportunity to work as a Faculty Development Graduate Advisor, helping bridge the gap between faculty members and the student population, giving faculty the opportunities to grow as teachers and educators while helping them provide learning experiences to their students that extend beyond the classroom. I then moved on to serve as the advisor to the Asian Pacific Islander Association at Cal Poly Pomona, helping them to plan a successful theatrical event co-sponsored by other organizations on the campus.
I have advised several student organizations such as the Associated Student Government, Program Board, and the student newspaper, and served as chair of an annual conference planning committee for Residence Life Departments in Southern and Central California.
Working with all these individuals and organizations, I saw how important the role of leadership played in their successes. In order to become leaders, we need to have the building blocks of a great leader. These are the traits that ground us and help to strengthen our resilience. I designed and developed a series of workshops and presentations to help identify strengths and utilize them to develop effective leadership skills and techniques. Many people can be intimidated with the idea of taking a leadership course because they are usually accessible to large corporations and groups, but learning about and developing leaderships skills is for everyone. A teacher dealing with students and other faculty, a student trying to navigate through school, a service worker interacting with a variety of customers, or a mid-level professional working their way up - they all can benefit from leadership. Leadership should not feel intimidating and so the foundational leadership series can be adapted and tailored to both individuals and groups in mind. Anyone who seeks a personal approach to learning and personal development and those who wish to improve and further develop leadership skills for themselves or their team can benefit from personal leadership coaching.